So I’ve been blogging on and off for a few months now and it’s super fun! The more I blog, the more I want to blog. And considering that I already have a rather compulsive personality, I am constantly obsessing over new topic(s) to blog about and how to write more entertaining posts.
This might sound silly, but sometimes when I’m working out or driving, I even conjure up exact phrases and sentences that I plan on using when I come home and blog. Is that too much? A little wierd maybe? …Nahhhh.
It’s like when I was majoring in math and taking all these pure math classes with lots of theoretical problems requiring logic oriented and wordy proofs. I’d obsess over how to write my solutions, rehearsing the wording and the organization in my head over and over again before actually putting it all down on paper; reading, revising, re-reading, re-revising and then finally turning it in.
I guess old habits die hard cuz I do the same sort of thing with my blog. I think about the subject(s) that I want to write about, think about how I’ll start my paragraphs, which points I want to cover and have a mental outline in my head before I start writing. I never intend for my blog posts to be as lengthy as they turn out to be but that’s just my inner effervescence taking control over my keyboard and making me ramble on and on.
That and the fact that some of the things I blog about (such as triathlons and health care etc) require more detailed explanations since I do try my best to write posts that are easy to understand and entertaining to an audience that may not be deeply familiar with the subject of the post. Plus I’m a stickler for accuracy and getting my facts straight so sometimes I have to confirm some of the things I write about to make sure I really know what I’m talking about; especially when I know someone else might be reading my blog! Well, currently, it’s mainly Sadhana and my parents who read my blog but I’m hoping to change that.
So tonight and tomorrow night, and maybe even the night after that I’m going to focus on making my blog look purdy. Maybe I'll put up more pics and a nice, flashy banner or something. I even got this book on blogging! Never mind that I got it primarily because it was like 7 bucks on and I needed to buy 5 more smackeroos worth of goods to qualify for free shipping. I haven’t cracked it open yet but maybe it’ll have some useful suggestions on how to improve my blog.
I’m also going to email my friends and some of my extended family and invite them to read my blog. I think they’ll want to read it. It’s pretty entertaining if you ask me. Sadhana agrees. My dad thinks I have “a flair for writing” which is pretty cool. But then again, this IS coming from my best friend and my dad so….
Anyway, they’d better like it and read it religiously cuz I’m going to quiz them on it. And if they fail, well then I shall never talk to them again! Nevar! Nevar! Nevar! Or the next 10 minutes...whichever comes first.