Monday, March 16, 2009

Mt Hamilton Ride...take two

The following is a post mainly for my own entertainment and records.

I made an outline of a post two weeks ago, when I rode mt. Hamilton on 2/28/09 and wanted to blog about it but never got around to finishing the post. Yes, I can be kinda anal about planning..which is why i have so many posts that I've started but never finished. Each one takes me 1-2h at the very least!

Re-reading the outline, I kinda cracked myself up and found it worthy of a post it it's skeletal form :

a) scared as crap about wild flower triathlon so did a conquer the fear of hills ride by doing Mt. Hamilton, 18 miles of solid climbing. the mt is made for horsies to climb up so at no point was it ridiculousy steep, just very, very long.

Here's the route and the elevation profile:

b)did the ride with a group called purplepatchfitness, got dropped but found another rider Jerris, goes by Jerry who helped me
out and together we conquered this mountain all the way to the top to the observatory

c) view from the top (pictures)

The Mt. Hamiltion Observatory
Observatory Atop Mt. Hamilton

View from the Top...You can see the road i climbed all the way up!

e)Scared shitless to descend the mt. gotta work on my descending an cornering skills. Was coming down a corner and tried to 'go for it' instead of breaking through it but I bit it. Poor Phoenix (the bike) got her deralieur scratched and her shifter lever name plate dented (an easy fix) but I came up unscathed with nary a scratch in site :0). hooray for winter clothing

longest 40 miles ever but well worth it. took me 6 effin' hours counting the breaks and the spill i took...ridic. Hills are no longer daunting and compared with this mt, the elevation profile for WF seems like a joke (though still not a very funny joke)