Wednesday, March 5, 2008

I done and over did it

This post is mainly going to be a "whine and complain session" so don't tell me I didn't warn ya. I definitely overdid myself a little with exercise yesterday and it feels like my apendages are about to fall off. Is that how you spell apendages? appendages maybe? Normally I'd be a little anal about checking the correct spelling on but right now I'm in the middle of my whine session and I don't quite feel like hitting ctrl+n, typing in the word and breaking my writing flow that I've got going here. Anyway, back to my whining.

On monday night, I was supposed to do a speed run workout on the treadmill at the gym in my apartment complex. When I entered the gym, there was not a soul in site. "Sweet" I thought to myself. I like working out in solitude and getting in my little runner's zen. I generally have a habbit of warming up for 5 minutes on the elliptical first, just to get my joints going and then ease into the run workout. So, just like any other day, I did my usual thing and got on the elliptical. Within one minute of my boarding one of them, a nice Indian woman who I usually exchange greetings with entered the gym and got on one of the 3 treadmills. That's okay, there are still two left, no need to worry right? Wrong!! Within the fourth minute of my elliptical sess, two more people walked into the gym and took my treadmills!! I was supposed to get on them doggone it! I was livid! Well maybe not quite livid, but I sure wasn't happy!

Now, if any of you are triathletes or know any triathletes, you'd know that they're very, very disciplined and set on their workout regimens, no matter what! Granted, I've been known to waiver on mine from time to time (work-school-life happens ya know) but I've been a really good girl for the last couple of weeks and gosh darn it I got a race coming up in three weeks!! Alright, now what to do. Oh, I know, I'll just do some upper body strength training and double up my workout on tuesday. Sounds like a good idea right? Yeah, right.

So on tuesday morning, I woke up at 5:30 in the morning to do my speed drills on the treadmill (no one was there ofcourse). I think I definitely strained my left hamstring a tiny bit cuz it still hurts when I move it. So after the run, my legs were kinda sore and the soreness from lifting weights the night before was definitely starting to settle into my biceps and lats. fabulous. But did I stop there? Definitely not. A little pain here and there does a body good.

That night, I had a bike spin class with my triathlon coach, Cheryl. Well, yesterday, she was not sparing us any mercy on that bike I tell ya. She had us do sprints, hills and threshold drills for an hour and my legs just didn't wanna do it. I was drenched in sweat by the time we were done, and, as if I'm not enough of a glutton for a punishment, I decided to immediately follow that ride with a nice little transition run on the treadmill at 8 min mile speed. I was spent.

At that point, the soreness from the strength workout the night before had completely settled in, and though the stiffness in my calves, glutes and thighs was slowly creeping up, I knew that the worst was yet to come.

I had no trouble falling asleep last night, slept like a baby infact, until 4:00am when my eyes suddenly popped open and I had no idea why. Wait, wait a minute, ow, my back hurt, my arms hurt, my everything hurt!! The soreness in my limbs had actually caused me to wake up! I've never had that happen before! I'm a really deep sleeper, and I can sleep through just about anything (yes, that includes blaring fire alarms) so to wake up in the middle of the night due to the pain and discomfort I had caused myself was really quite remarkable. In a sick way, masochistic sorta way, I was kinda proud of myself. I must have really worked my butt off training yesterday.

To make matters worse, I couldn't fall asleep at all after that, and as the night turned to day, the soreness continued to settle in a little deeper. I even got up out of bed to stretch a few times but to no avail. The pain was there to stay. Needless to say, I've been walking around like a zombie all morning (more like sitting around but you get the picture). It's looking like I'm gonna end up having to take the day off working out today anyway so doubling up my workout really didn't serve the purpose I was hoping it would. Hopefully by some miracle, my legs will heal themselves today and i'll be able to manage a little something in tonight. Let that be a lesson to you all. If you can't make a workout and you're on a training schedule, take it as nature's way of telling you to take the day off and don't double up your workouts. You'll pay for it in the long run, if not right away like I