Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Just Post

So after talking with a friend who also blogs and trains for tris, I realized I should just post.

Tons has happened, and I keep delaying posting knowing full well that I really, reaaaaalllly need to, simply because the list of things i needs to blog about keeps getting longer and longer.

So I decided, I'm just gonna post.

Forget making it witty and entertaining, forget thinking through the subject and the organization of the post, forget brainstorming quirky little remarks....

I should just post

On the fly. In no particular order.

Just a post

So here's what's up.

Training's been going well. I mean sure i'm still missing a workout (sometimes two) every week, but it's still more or less consistent. I'm hittin' the swims, hittin the long ride/runs without excuses and I'm finding that consistency really is the key to great training.

Imagine that??

The runs aren't as painful on my legs as they used to be since I've slowly and consistently increased mileage.

The swim is coming along just fine since I've been consistently hitting the pool and getting in 1600-2000m twice a week.

And the bike....sigh the bike. The biking has been a dream every since I got Her.

Three weeks ago, I finally bit the bullet and purchased a bike : The Cervelo Soloist Carbon 2008. I really need to dedicate an entire post to Her, because it really feels like she was sent into my life for a reason by the Divine Powers at work.

She rides like a dream. And I named her Phoenix.

Every day I make a workout is like every day that I achieve a mini goal for myself. It keeps me sane, it keeps me happy and it takes a tremendous amount of will power to execute.

I still fight with myself every time i have to wake up early to make my swims. You'd think i'd be used to it by now, but such is not the case.

"it's just one can make it up later!!"

"...oh it's raining out"

"oh you're too tired to get out of bed"

Every time i fight with these oh so convincing voices inside my head, and every time i win, I feel that much happier for the rest of the day.